With B2B system you can automize and improve the cooperation with your business partners. In the process of the implementation, such a system can be fully integrated with the management systems already used in your enterprise (ERP, CRM, eCommerce).

Our solutions are not only restricted to creating modules for managing orders and offers, but also open possibilities of managing pro-sales activities, processing billing and invoicing operations, communication, handling complaints as well as analyzing data (BI)

One of the unique functions of B2B system is the possibility to collect data from separate sources (e.g. from partners’ sales systems) and merge them in one database (using ESSYO Connector module). It allows for extensive analysis of data, which is standardized and stored in main database (BI module).

Moreover, in our ESSYO B2B system we offer numerous modules whose functionality can be tailored around your needs, i.e.:

  • Automated billing operations showing Clients’ liabilities.
  • Invoicing and bookkeeping.
  • Managing offers dedicated to Partners.
  • Collecting and processing Partners’ orders.
  • Analyses, listings and effectivity rapports.
  • Communication with Partners.
  • Managing Partners’ authorizations within B2B system.
  • Marketing communication – text messages and emails.
  • Managing contractors and leads.
  • Circulation of documents and their digitalization.
  • …any module that you find indispensable.


Budowaliśmy systemy B2B dla branży: motoryzacyjnej, farmaceutycznej, hurtowej FMCG.

How to implement B2B system effectively?

The implementation of B2B system should be preceded with an extensive analysis of needs as well as with creating standards for defined tasks.

Omitting this stage of implementation and using only the solutions provided by standardized versions of software is a frequent mistake. It results in the fact that the system will not satisfy the requirements of the users although, theoretically, it shortens the implementation time. In the long perspective, there can occur the necessity to modify the software or to introduce an alternative form of circulation of information in the company, which causes defragmentation of the collected data (partially in the system, partially in the alternative circulation of information), and eventually leads to the failure of the implemented system.

The implementation should be finalized with the training scheme aimed at the company’s employers in order to explain the way the system functions and to emphasize the drawbacks of the lack of standards in its operation.

Our experience

We gained significant experience in creating and building B2B systems for:

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